Results for: entergy

Entergy New Orleans Charity Check

Entergy Paid Actor Scandal Widens, Nonprofits Used to Support Gas Plant

Entergy came under fire this week when a New Orleans news site revealed that many of the people who testified on behalf of the company’s proposed gas-fired power plant […]

/ May 11, 2018

Strings Attached: How utilities use charitable giving to influence politics and increase investor profits

Download full report Entergy Entergy is a utility company that serves 2.9 million electric customers across Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Basic Facts: EPI estimate of Entergy’s total charitable giving...

/ December 10, 2019
Entergy confirms actors were paid to support New Orleans power plant

Entergy Leaves Questions Unanswered in Paid Actor Scandal

Entergy continues to receive significant scrutiny due to its use of paid actors to feign public support in New Orleans City Council hearings for a proposed natural gas plant, […]

/ December 7, 2018

Records reveal Entergy’s role in stalling MISO transmission planning

Entergy coordinated closely with Mississippi Public Service Commission staff and the Commission’s outside consultants to stall regional transmission projects, potentially blocking its customers’ access to lower-cost wind energy from […]

/ April 5, 2021

Southeastern Utilities Block Transmission Necessary for Decarbonization

[…] interstate and interregional transmission, but investor-owned utilities in the South, such as Southern Company and Entergy, have spent years undermining efforts to expand high-voltage transmission in an effort to...

/ February 7, 2024
Net Zero Entergy Leo Denault

Entergy to Rely on Gas while Claiming Net-Zero Emissions in 2050

Entergy joined other large utilities last week in announcing its intent to achieve “net-zero emissions” by 2050, but like its regional peers of Duke and Southern, the company is […]

/ September 28, 2020

Entergy Placed Undercover Consultant to Influence MISO Stakeholder Processes

[…] any stakeholder or other participant who declines to publicly disclose who he or she represents.” Entergy secretly placed a consultant to advance its interests in MISO stakeholder meetings under...

/ November 22, 2020

Entergy Threatens New Orleans City Council in Push Against “Resilient Renewables”

[…] both renewable and resilient to the impacts of climate change faces opposition from the utility Entergy, which threatened to sue the city and accused supporters of the proposal of...

/ December 6, 2019

Entergy New Orleans made misleading claims that ROE cut meant financial disaster

When the New Orleans City Council threatened to cut Entergy New Orleans’ high profit margins last year, the utility company responded aggressively: it said that such a move would not...

/ February 3, 2020

Loopholes Set to Provide Millions in Benefits to Entergy in New Orleans Rate Case

[…] a resolution tomorrow which would give hundreds of millions of dollars in extra profits to Entergy New Orleans. The resolution, which the Council is touting as a win for...

/ November 6, 2019